The safety, quality, halal and integrity of red meat is very importance to the Australian red meat and livestock industry. Strict processes and procedures have been implemented to ensure the integrity of beef, lamb, sheep meat and goat meat for consumers and customers alike. Below is an overview of both on-farm and off-farm safety systems in the Australian red meat industry.

Processing facilities are a serious business. Each plant in Australia operates under Federal government legislation, which demands registration and detailed food safety plans. The humane treatment of cattle and sheep during the slaughter process in the abattoir is paramount, as is the focus on maintaining quality and safety throughout. Australian abattoirs employ the latest technologies to ensure continued improvement in production efficiency, without sacrificing superior levels of meat safety.
While plants differ in design (depending on the variety of markets they service and the species they process), each utilises the most up to date technology to ensure efficiency, safety and reliability. The Australian meat processing sector is a world leader in beef and lamb dressing and fabrication.

Other preparations meat go through for consumption are marbling and aging. When it comes to maximising marbling in beef - increasing the fine flecks of fat that appear within the muscles of red meat— cattle must be on a highly nutritious diet – whether that be grass or grain. Different types of farming methods produce varying results. In Australia marble scores are measured from 0 - 9+.

During the ageing process, proteins that give muscles form and functionality start to be broken down by enzymes left in the body after slaughter. Wet ageing of meat describes a general storage process that occurs after a carcass is broken down or boned when meat is packaged and stored. It enhances tenderness, but does not greatly influence the flavour of the meat. On the other hand, dry ageing is traditionally carried out by hanging either the whole or cut pieces of the carcase in a cool room. The secret to dry aged meat is the reduction in moisture. The process is typically 7-14 days, but can be up to a month or longer.
Australian Beef and Lamb are nature-grazed in a land blessed with golden sunshine and lush green pastures. The meat is tasty and tender, with consistent texture. Add one of the strictest quality standards in the world and an industry benchmark Halal Assurance programme, you'll see why Aussie Beef & Lamb is the first choice for major retailers and for some of the best chefs in the world.

There’s more to Halal than just the slaughter process
There is a common misconception that ‘Halal’ refers only to the adherence of a set of conditions for animal slaughter and meat processing. But its meaning is far broader.
Did you know that the religious law also says how the animal must be treated during its life? It emphasizes zero tolerance for animal abuse and mistreatment. For example, it’s stated that the animal should not have been mistreated or caused any pain. Additionally, it must also be provided with clean water, food, fresh air and enough space to roam.
Did you also know that countries requiring Halal meat, an official Halal and Health Certificate are issued for every Australian beef and lamb shipment. The importers must apply for an import permit with the submission of the halal and health certificate to the Malaysian authorities before they can clear the products from the airport and sea port.
The Australian Department of Agriculture in co-operation with both exporting and importing countries, conducts inspection and audit of the abattoirs to ensure that all procedures and protocols are Halal Integrity and all Halal-specified meat produced is from Halal abattoirs and issues an official Halal certificate.
In Malaysia, the Australian beef and lamb are approved by the Malaysian authorities - JAKIM and DVS (Department of Veterinary Services) before importing into Malaysia. The slaughterman in the approved Australian abattoir is a certified Muslim slaughterman and Halal checkers are recognized by the Malaysian and Australian government authorities.
When you buy Halal Australian Beef and Lamb, you can be confident you are getting clean, safe and 100% guaranteed Halal meat.

When it comes to choosing healthy protein sources, lean Australian beef is a delicious and healthy choice for beefing up your high-quality protein needs. As Australian cattle are raised predominately on pasture, Australian grass-fed beef products are lean and naturally contain 13 essential nutrients required for good health, including Iron, Zinc, Omega-3 and B vitamins.
When it comes to choosing healthy protein sources, lean Aussie Lamb is a delicious and healthy choice for racking up your high quality protein needs. As Aussie lambs are raised predominately on pasture, Australian lamb products are lean and naturally contain 13 essential nutrients required for good health, including Iron, Zinc, Omega-3 and B vitamins.